Cliente 1

Uma frase de destaque

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Ikeoii enhou lensoid woiend aoid akid sihgbe doidnd/ eoiruje Eodidn eoiejf. Foierneroeienre Dodidnd oieneeoidn doihfd doifdnf oeiejjbu dioudne eneoihbyew Hello, how are you? I am good and you? 

Just writing a bunch of nothing for this porfolio. Gotta have somthing writing but I dont know what for the moment Working hard on my studies at the moment, Trying to make a better life for my family and myself. Tired of nursing and all the politics that comes with it. Its hard trying to take care of everyone all the time. Its draining.

So the digital world seems to be a way out, is it going to be? I sure hope so, meanwhile I am just writing this because I need to feel this space with words and so that is what I am doing.  So far I am enjoying this course, I am having a hard time with the images part of it, its hard fiding images, apparently you cant use just anything, you have to be careful, this is just an exercise and I am already fiding it hard, I hope that when its the real thing it will become easier with time. But I would say this is the hardest part so far of the course.  Just found out all the images  used for this exercise are available for download. Its great but now I have to redo the whole thing. Ugh

Vamos inventar juntos?

Ta precisando de uma ajuda com a comunicacao da sua empresa? De uma agencia de publicidade? Um material grafico ou um projeto web? Ah. Redes Sociais? Sim, facebook tambem… nos fazemos!
